This post is a departure from my typical observations that demonstrate how appropriate product simulations are for such-and-such (am I really that predictable?).
This post is going to be a short missive on getting myself properly oriented to positive change.
I was catching up with a friend recently who I had been out of contact with for several years, and we were talking about mistakes we make and how easy it is to see what other people should do, but much more difficult to see the right path for ourselves.
She told me about the experiences she has had with the Handel Group, and how it has helped her a lot in shaping positive views–real progress in her business and personal life. Not the stereotypical psychoanalysis of “how does that make you feel?”, rather, establishing what we want to achieve and then actively looking for things in your life that confirm that hypothesis.
It is so interesting that we do this almost instinctively in the wrong direction (maybe I shouldn’t say ‘instinctively’ because that paints me as having this problem!)–we have a personality flaw that we have internalized and then we confirm that flaw in things around us. Very self-defeating, but why is it so easy to fall into this pattern?