Got the iOS in-app purchase with Milkman Games Native Extension to work

By | November 8, 2012

I was exploring the use of in-app purchases on iOS for our SimsUshare app, and the extension by Milkman Games seemed to fit the bill perfectly. I got the basics running quickly by following their instructions (read them carefully, some I skipped the first time through accidentally!). Then I ran into a big problem: the purchase would never complete.

I posted a question to StackOverflow, and was working it out with the support from Milkman Games. Today, finally it worked (and gave me quite a relief!). Here is the post:

I bought the iOS in-app purchase native extension for Adobe Flash/AIR from Milkman Games but am running into a problem, maybe others have seen it in their testing (I am corresponding with the author about it, but it doesn’t sound like something he has run into).

When I follow the example and instructions carefully for a non-consumable in-app purchase, it asks me (on my iPad):

  1. Confirm Your in-app purchase [Environment Sandbox]
  2. Gets my Apple ID/password
  3. Verification Required [Environment: Sandbox]
  4. Password again
  5. Goes to the app store
  6. dialog box with [Environment: Sandbox], background box says “Loading…”
  7. Password again…

Then it endlessly repeats steps 6 and 7, never completing the purchase. I know my password is correct because when I enter it incorrectly, I get a warning message about it.

Has anyone seen something like this? Thanks for any insights you might provide!

Here is how I got it to work finally:

it looks like the problem could have been I took the test user too far in the registration process. I made a test user in iTunes Connect, then online I went through email verification and the like, and reviewing/filling out the profile. I even had to add a real credit card (which I then removed). I created a new test user, but did not “Review” or fill out those details when prompted (on iPad). Then when I started the app and made the fake purchase, I signed in and the purchase went through. If I signed into the iPad through the Settings, it wanted to walk me through the review process. Another thought is that it could have been just creating another test user, as in the solution here:

In any event, I’m happy!



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